اسلام صبحي

لقد شاع بين المسلمين في العقود الأخيرة توزيع الميراث والوالدين أو أحدهما علي قيد الحياة وهذا عبث في الشرع وباطل إنما التوريث لا يكون  الا بعد الموت الطبيعي للأب أو للأم//موسوعة المواريث وعلم الفرائض/ اسلام صبحي 3دفائق تلاوة من سورة هود /اخبط الرابط وافتح التلاوة https://download.tvquran.com/download/selections/315/5cca02c11a61a.mp3

 موسوعة المواريث وعلم الفرائض

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اسلام صبحي سورة هود https://download.tvquran.com/download/selections/315/5cca02c11a61a.mp3

الخميس، 8 ديسمبر 2022

The nursing care of the surgical neonate.

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Showing results for surgical medical nursing
Your search for surgico medical nersing retrieved no results
Research on nursing handoffs for medical and surgical settings: an integrative review.
Staggers N, Blaz JW. J Adv Nurs. 2013 Feb;69(2):247-62. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2648.2012.06087.x. Epub 2012 Jul 5. PMID: 22764743 Review.
AIMS: To synthesize outcomes from research on handoffs to guide future computerization of the process on medical and surgical units. BACKGROUND: Handoffs can create important information gaps, omissions and errors in patient care. ...REVIEW METHODS: This integrative …
The Screening, Diagnosis, Treatment, and Follow-Up of Breast Cancer.
Wöckel A, Albert US, Janni W, Scharl A, Kreienberg R, Stüber T. Dtsch Arztebl Int. 2018 May 4;115(18):316-323. doi: 10.3238/arztebl.2018.0316. PMID: 29807560 Free PMC article.
As for the diagnostic evaluation of breast cancer, computed tomography is recommended for staging in patients with a high risk of recurrence, in addition to conventional methods. As for surgical treatment, the evidence supporting locoregional surgery for primary breast can …
The nursing care of the surgical neonate.
Kelly A, Liddell M, Davis C. Semin Pediatr Surg. 2008 Nov;17(4):290-6. doi: 10.1053/j.sempedsurg.2008.07.008. PMID: 19019298 Review.
In the last two decades, advancement in neonatal surgery, anesthesia, and intensive care have improved the outcome not only for neonates with complex surgical conditions but also for those preterm infants with combined medical and surgical issues. ...In this …
Surgical count process for prevention of retained surgical items: an integrative review.
Freitas PS, Silveira RC, Clark AM, Galvão CM. J Clin Nurs. 2016 Jul;25(13-14):1835-47. doi: 10.1111/jocn.13216. Epub 2016 Apr 22. PMID: 27104785 Review.
AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: To analyse the evidence reported in the literature concerning the surgical count process for surgical sponges, surgical instruments and sharps and to identify knowledge gaps for future research on the surgical count process. ...CON …
Rand K. Narrat Inq Bioeth. 2017;7(3):E1-E4. doi: 10.1353/nib.2017.0073. PMID: 29249698 No abstract available.
Surgical positioning.
Hoshowsky VM. Orthop Nurs. 1998 Sep-Oct;17(5):55-65. PMID: 9832887 Review.
The type of surgical position, anesthesia used and the patient's health status continue to be factors which contribute to optimizing the patient's outcome and preventing complications. It is imperative that perioperative nurses understand and are competent in …
Kemp R. Practitioner. 1971 Jan;206(231):81-4. PMID: 5540198 No abstract available.
Medical robotics: the impact on perioperative nursing practice.
Francis P, Winfield HN. Urol Nurs. 2006 Apr;26(2):99-104, 107-8. PMID: 16703917 Review.
An understanding of the history of robotics, current applications of the technology, and perioperative nursing responsibilities is needed to assure quality patient care in the wake of continued advances in technology....
The future of surgical nursing and enhanced recovery programmes.
Mitchell M. Br J Nurs. 2011 Sep 8-22;20(16):978-84. doi: 10.12968/bjon.2011.20.16.978. PMID: 22067490
The practical application of these programmes is undertaken largely by nurses, despite encompassing explicit, medically-driven protocols. However, beyond the professional knowledge and skills required to aid the programmes, nursing knowledge has contributed little t …
Medical-surgical nursing: a lifetime of challenges and accomplishments.
Aikens L, Sherwood LS, Freed M. Mich Nurse. 1991 Oct;64(9):43-4. PMID: 1720195 No abstract available.
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